Media inquiries? Please contact Nancy Jelenic by email or call 604-647-2275.
Gifts That Give Back CTV News
barking babies documentary 2019
Thank you Kristian Messere for creating this great short documentary about our business barking babies!
Global TV Morning News May 2019
Thank you Global News for doing a TV segment of pet beds and bowls!
CTV Morning News July 2017
Summer fashion show! Check out our great new products!
Big Review TV 2016
Thank you Big review TV for creating this short video on our business.
CTV Morning News December 2016
Bow Wow Christmas fashion show - barking babiesā¢ strut their stuff to showcase our fun Holiday Pawty wear.
CTV Morning News May 2016
Top picks for camping with your pooch - barking babiesā¢ tent was featured
CTV News December 2015
Watch our barking babiesā¢ in our 2015 Holiday Fashion ShowCTV Morning News July 2015
Thank you CTV Morning News and Ann Luu for our doggie fashion show! Watch our barking babiesā¢ in the hottest beach wear.
Yaletown Association May 2015
WOW! barking babiesā¢ has it's very own street sign. Thank you to our Yaletown community - we are honoured!
Vancouver Magazine March 2015
Thanks for showcasing barking baies as one of the top 4 dog shops in Vancouver!
VancityBuzz January 2015
Its important for barking babiesā¢ to wear winter coats - thanks Vancitybuzz for the write up!Article
Where Magazine November 2014
Mr. Pickles and Georgie Girl made the cover! So proud of my little barking babiesā¢.
Style At Home Magazine October 2014
We're so thrilled to be featured as a place to visit when in Vancouver's trendy Yaletown area. Woo Hoo
CTV New Wedding Segment July 2014
Watch our doggie fashion show featuring great wedding finds!2013
Urban Rush with Fiona Forbes Shaw TV - December 2013
Check out our fashion show for warm winter wear!
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CTV Morning News - August 2013
barking babiesā¢ is featured with some of our best Pride Week finds for dogs.
VanCity Buzz News - August 2013
Great article on our "dogs in drag" event and Pride Week fun!
Vancouver Courier - April 2013
Great article on Yaletown's pampered pooches. barking babiesā¢ is featured.
Vancouver Special - June 2013
Thank you Mike for filming such a great segment all about barking babiesā¢ and what we do.
CTV News - October 2012
Lynda Steele visits barking babiesā¢ to talk about howl-o-ween and doggie costumes! What a fun segment this was.
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Edmonton Journal - September 2012
Great story on working in the pet retail world - barking babiesā¢ was featured.
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Real Housewives of Vancouver - Episode 2 April 2012
Mary and Christina and their wonderful barking babiesā¢ George and Napoleon visit for a shopping trip! Aired premier night, episode 2.
Urban Rush - February 2012
Fiona Forbes and Mary Zilba of the "Real Housewives of Vancouver" visit Nancy Jelenic of barking babiesā¢ for some puppy essentials.
CTV News - December 15th 2011
Nancy Jelenic of barking babiesā¢ showcasing holiday gift ideas for dogs.
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Shaw News - Peter Verge The Express
Peter drops by barking babiesā¢ with his dog Maggie to try on the latest fall/winter 2012 fashions.
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CBC News - October 31st 2011
barking babiesā¢ 7th annual Howl-o-ween pawty was so much fun that CBC news popped by.
BTV Breakfast Television - October 31st 2011
Thank you Mary-Jo for showcasing our barking babiesā¢ howl-o-ween costumes :)
CTV News - August 2011
Thank you Lynda Steele for coming by and airing your TV report on Vancouver's amazing doggie fashion at barking babiesā¢
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CBC News - July 2011
barking babiesā¢ is Vancouver's top doggie stop! Thank you to Theresa Lalonde for doing a story on how lucky our dogs are to be living in Vancouver - particularly Yaletown :)
Shaw TV - Wedding Belles Spring
barking babiesā¢ is the place to come for your doggie's wedding needs! From tuxes to gowns, check out this video! Thank you to Aubrey and Sarah from Shaw TV's "Wedding Belles" for vsiting :)
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Vancouver Observer March 2011
Thank you for attending our spring fling fashion show!
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Georgia Straight March 2011
Thank you for announcing our spring fling fashion show!
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Breakfast Television March 2011
Thank you Nathalie for showcasing our collars and leashes on BTV's segment "what to wear when dog-walking". Our collars and leashes looked great on the dogs and with their "human" models!
Crave Magazine Winter 2010
Crave Magazine interviewed Nancy on some popular doggie goodies and her love for her business barking babiesā¢
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YouTube Video - The Express October 22, 2010
A great feature all about Vancouver's amazing Yaletown District! Filled with great shopping and great restaurants. Fall fashions at barking babiesā¢ are highlighted.
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Fraser Monthly - Japanese Publication October 2010
A great write up on barking babiesā¢ and some great products from howl-o-ween.
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Vancouver View Sept/Oct 2010
Our Juicy tweed jackets are featured as a hot prime find for doggie fashion!
Magazine scan feature
Magazine scan cover -
Look Summer 2010
Kristina Matisic counts barking babiesā¢ as one of her "Dog Days of Summer" picks in this month's Look Magazine from the North Shore News (see p. 24).
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Where Magazine June 2010
17 things we love about Vancouver - and barking babiesā¢ is one of them!
Celebrity News - Ashley Greene visits barking babies
We were thrilled to have her shop with us - so down to earth - so wonderful :) We wish her all the success with Twilight...and not to mention "Marlow" was adorable and full of beans!
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Breakfast Television Summer 2009
BTV featured some of barking babiesā¢ top doggie summer fashion picks. Our barking babiesā¢ were paired up with Olympic Athletes also wearing some of the summer's hottest fashions!
BC Business 2009
BC Business focused in on the Dog Fashion industry and interviewed Nancy Jelenic (Howatson) to find out all about the barking babiesā¢ story!
Check us out in BC Business!
Magazine Scan -
Modern Dog Magazine
We LOVE Modern Dog Magazine!
Thanks for letting us dress up some of your models in barking babiesā¢ fashions!Check them out: Modern Dog Magazine